About EGA
EGA is the Embroiderers’ Guild of America – Where Needle Art Lives™
EGA is deeply dedicated to the study, preservation, and promotion of
needle arts. We are a national not-for-profit organization.
Membership is open to anyone interested in needlework -- from the
beginner to the professional. Members work within local chapters,
regions, and/or at-large networks to improve their skills and knowledge.
The Greater Pacific Region (GPR) is one of twelve regions that comprise EGA.
We have a very diverse membership ranging from those who are beginning their
first stitching project to people who teach nationally. We all have in common
an appreciation of the art of stitchery and an insatiable desire to learn and
share with our fellow stitchers.
More about EGA & GPR
Greater Pacific Region encompasses northern California,
northern Nevada, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, Alaska, and
Hawaii. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in
needlework. We have a very diverse membership ranging from those
who are beginning their first stitching project to people who teach
nationally. We all have in common an appreciation of the art of stitchery
and an insatiable desire to learn and share with our fellow stitchers.
Individual Chapters offer educational programs and resources such as an
informative newsletter, embroidery libraries, embroidery workshops,
shorter projects and informal gatherings. Your membership entitles
you to participate in National educational opportunities such as seminars
and correspondence courses, and you receive the quarterly magazine
Needle Arts.
You may belong to one or more chapters, or you may be a
member-at-large. A complete list of Greater Pacific Region's
chapters appears in the
GPR Chapter Directory.
Most chapters welcome your membership even if you don't
live close enough to go to meetings. Some GPR chapters, such as Rose City Stitchers
and Vintage Stitchers, have special programs for long distance members. Each chapter
belongs to a region such as Greater Pacific Region, which serves all chapter members and
members-at-large in the region and coordinates inter-chapter activities. Your chapter dues
include your national membership dues, and a small portion of your chapter dues funds
the Region organization.