Greater Pacific Region
Embroiderers' Guild of America
Welcome to the Greater Pacific Region (GPR) of the Embroiderers’ Guild of America (EGA)

Chapter Directory

EGA is a diverse community of all ages, backgrounds, and expertise levels. We share a love of embroidery of many kinds. We are a national guild with a worldwide membership. Our common bond is the enjoyment of stitching and the desire to learn more. Chapters provide the opportunity, on a local level, for personal educational growth and fellowship.

Chapter membership is open to any individual interested in furthering their skills and knowledge of the needle arts and the celebration of its heritage.

All chapters welcome guests at monthly meetings. Below is a list of chapters within the Greater Pacific Region (GPR). For chapter information outside of GPR you can use the chapter locator on EGA’s national website. See Chapter Map

Camellia Chapter

Sacramento, CA
Email the Chapter
Camellia Chapter is a fun, inviting group of stitchers who love to expand their stitching knowledge and expertise through Chapter hands-on programs, correspondence and in-person classes, workshops, retreats, seminars, online classes, and virtual lectures featuring nationally known teachers. We welcome and invite all levels of stitchers, from beginner to advanced. Our hyb ...see more
Meetings: 1 – 3 pm PT on the 3rd Monday of the month from February through June & August through November, with social events in July & December.
Meetings are in Eugene, Oregon at either 1400 Lake Dr or 1055 River Rd (River Road Park and Recreation main facility or Annex, contact us or check our website for the latest).
Cascade Stitchers Chapter – Our chapter is anchored in Eugene, OR, with in-person meetings that include Zoom access & participation for these meetings. While most of our members come from Lane County, we have several members participating from out of state & we welcome interested embroiderers and members from anywhere, with any level of embroidery experience, and all fields of embroidery. ...see more
Evergreen EGA is a chapter of the Embroiderers' Guild of America and serves the greater Seattle area and Western Washington. We have over 100 members and 30+ regularly attend our meetings.
To attend our zoom or in-person meetings, email ...see more

Gavilan Hills Chapter

Morgan Hill, CA
We meet at the Morgan Hill Community and Cultural Center on the 4th Wednesday of every month except for November and December. We meet on the 2nd Wednesday for those two months. We encourage all levels of stitchers.

Hanging by a Thread Chapter

Placerville, CA
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Membership is open to all levels of stitchers and we welcome visitors to our meeting up to two times a year for free. Come join us in pursuit of beautiful, fun, timeless, exotic, traditional, dramatic and wonderful embroidery. We hold our General Meeting on the 2nd Monday of each month, starting at 12:30 pm, in the Raley's Event Room, at the back of the store -166 Placervi ...see more

Humboldt County Chapter

Bayside, CA
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We meet the third Saturday of the month at 11am at Bayside Community Presbyterian Church. During the summer we have stitch-ins at members' homes and participate in the County Fair instead. In December we meet at a local restaurant for lunch to celebrate the holidays. We enjoy many different types of stitching and welcome people of all skill levels.

Marin Golden Threads Chapter

Mill Valley, CA
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Marin Golden Threads is based in Marin County, California. We currently have 63 members. We usually meet on the 4th Saturday of the month. The Board meets at 9:00am. We have a general meeting at 10:00am, followed by a program beginning at 11:00am. If you wish to attend a meeting please contact us at ...see more

Monterey Peninsula Chapter

Monterey, CA
We're a friendly, smallish group, meeting on the 2nd Monday at 10:30AM, at the beautiful Harden Foundation in Salinas (except July & August). We teach ourselves with programs, have occasional field trips, and participate in the County Fair and Monterey's "Christmas at the Adobes".

Mount Spokane Chapter

Spokane, WA

Pacific Chapter

Dayton, NV
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This is a virtual chapter, open primarily to those who live in the Greater Pacific Region. We especially welcome those who live in isolated areas where there are no local chapters and stitchers who are unable to attend local chapters. We have Zoom stitch-ins twice each month and chapter meetings three times a year.

River Valley Stitchers Chapter

Riverbank, CA
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Redwood Stitchers Chapter

Santa Rosa, CA
Redwood Stitchers are located in Santa Rosa, CA. We meet on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month at the Luther Burbank Arts and Garden Center at 2050 Yulupa Ave. We meet from 10-3. Casual stitching and friendly support of all who are interested in the stitching arts. We have extensive knowledge on a wide variety of stitching techniques as well as a vast librar ...see more

Rose City Stitchers Chapter

Portland, OR
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Rose City Stitchers meets the second Monday of the month from 6:30PM-8 ish? We meet at Acorns and Threads, 4475 SW Schols Ferry Rd, #158, Portland, OR. 503-292-4457. We are a group of 29 members with varying degrees of skills. We welcome anyone who is interested in needlepoint or cross stitch and any fibre work. We have teachers come to us for classes of interest (Avl ...see more

San Mateo Area Chapter

San Mateo, CA
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The San Mateo Chapter meets at 10:30 a.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month (except November and December). For meeting location and program information email <<>>

Evening Meetings are held the third Thursday of the month from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. For meeting location and program information email ...see more

Santa Clara Valley Chapter

San Jose, CA
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The Santa Clara Valley Chapter of EGA is a welcoming group of needleworkers. Our members enjoy counted canvas, painted canvas, cross-stitch and all forms of embroidery. Many of our members are also avid quilters adding a colorful dimension to our meetings. Our chapter meets in person the 2nd Wednesday and Saturday mornings for friendly stitching together at a local co ...see more

Shasta Stitchers Chapter

Redding, CA
We meet on the 4th Tuesday of every month except November and December at 10am. Our meeting location is Anderson Church of Christ, 3434 North Street, Anderson, CA.

Sierra Needle Artists Chapter

Sonora, CA

Southern Oregon Stitchers Chapter

Medford, OR
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Located in beautiful Southern Oregon! We have about 30 members from Jackson, Josephine and Siskiyou counties. We meet the 3rd Saturday of the month at First Presbyterian Church, 456 W Pine St., Central Point, Oregon. Our meetings start at 11:30AM with a social time and refreshments and the general meeting starts at 12:00PM. The monthly program starts at about 1PM. We en ...see more

Stitchers by the Sea Chapter

Santa Cruz, CA
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Stitchers By The Sea is a small chapter which meets year-round in Santa Cruz. There usually is at least one workshop each year. Each summer, there is a potluck picnic and "Great Guilt Giveaway," where members bring no longer loved items from their stitching stash and a market is held with profits going to the chapter.

Valley Oak Chapter

Davis, CA
Email the Chapter
Valley Oak Chapter meets the first Wednesday of each month from 10am-12pm at the Unitarian Church library in Davis, CA. Our meetings are hybrid of in-person and zoom presentations. We welcome stitchers of all skill levels and backgrounds; our goal is a congenial space in which we actively share our interest in stitching. We offer members a chance to stitch together in person at The Point which meets twice a month, and by zoom in The CounterPoint weekly; an email reminder goes out to all members in advance. We participate in several opportunities to bring stitching to the public in our area throughout the year. For further information, feel free to contact us at ...see more

Valley Quail Chapter

Walnut Creek, CA
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The Valley Quail Chapter of the EGA meets monthly on the second Thursday of the month, at 6:30pm PT. Meetings are typically held on Zoom, so that members can join our meetings from anywhere. In March, Gwen Nelson, author of the Baby Steps GCC, will present a program on bead embroidery. In April, Chantal Filson, founder of 'Costume On!', will present a lecture and slide ...see more

Vintage Stitchers Chapter

San Ramon, CA
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We meet the 4th Wednesday of every month. Currently we are meeting in person and Zoom for our meetings. July is our Anniversary month where we have a Pot Luck and our December meeting is our ornament exchange We are having a retreat up in wine country November 15-18 2025

Needle Art Example

Needlepoint with Embroidery
Technique: Needlepoint with Embroidery
Stitched by: Mike S.

* See More Photos - See Photos from 2016

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