Greater Pacific Region
Embroiderers' Guild of America
Welcome to the Greater Pacific Region (GPR) of the Embroiderers’ Guild of America (EGA)

What is a Seminar?

Seminar is a multi-day event where classes and other events are offered. Seminar provides an opportunity to learn from highly skilled and respected teachers in a small class setting. Teachers are hired to teach one-, two-, or four-day classes. The classes meet for a morning and afternoon session, with a long lunch break; there are also short morning and afternoon breaks to stretch your legs and rest your eyes.

National Seminar

EGA holds a 5 day seminar every year in a different location. Each of the 12 regions takes a turn hosting the event and the national organization hosts it every five years, for years ending in 3 and 8 to coincide with the anniversary of the organization, which was formed in 1958. For detailed information on the current and up-coming national seminars, see the EGA website (, Seminars page. The number of people attending seminar varies from year to year and ranges from around 600 to 1,000 people in attendance. Image the fun and excitement being around all those kindred souls! In addition to classes, there are other activities during seminar. Check the brochure for what is offered as it varies from seminar to seminar.

GPR Seminar

GPR is one of the few regions that puts on a 5 day seminar. There are one-, two-, three-, and four-day classes as there are at a national seminar, usually with a break day for one day classes or other activities. Region seminars often start with the Welcome Banquet the night before classes start. There are usually 125 to 200 people in attendance. This means there are fewer class offerings than a national seminar. However, what is not different is the caliber of teachers and the commitment to offering the best there is to seminar participants. As with national seminars, there are other activities offered during seminar. Check the brochure for what is offered as it varies from seminar to seminar.

Stitch the Logo Contest

Stitch the Logo

All GPR members are invited to participate in the Stitch the Logo Contest for the 2026 GPR Seminar - Much Ado About Stitching.

The Prize

A photograph of the winning stitched logo will be featured on the seminar website and used for seminar related communications. Additionally, a $60 check will be awarded during Seminar!


GPR Seminar 2026 July 24-29

Time Remaining Before 2026 Seminar in Ashland:

Needle Art Example

Needlepoint with Embroidery
Technique: Needlepoint with Embroidery
Stitched by: Mike S.

* See More Photos - See Photos from 2016

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No part of this website may be published, reproduced, stored in, or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means whatsoever (including electronic, mechanical, photocopy) other than for personal or chapter/region use without written permission from the copyright holder. Written permission was given to display the photos on this website. The photos may not be reproduced in any way other than for personal or chapter/region use.