Greater Pacific Region
Embroiderers' Guild of America
Welcome to the Greater Pacific Region (GPR) of the Embroiderers’ Guild of America (EGA)

Gay Montague Phillips Grant

Spring Garden
Designed by Lois Kershner

In 2016, GPR commissioned Lois Kershner to design a project for use by any GPR member. This offering was the result of a grant from the Gay Montague Phillips estate for the benefit of members of EGA. In addition to the instructions that can be downloaded below, each chapter also received a DVD of the project.

This is a copyrighted design for the personal use of GPR members and EGA members-at-large who reside within the geographic area defined as Greater Pacific Region. Do not share the link, or any portion of the instructions.

You must be a member and logged in to view the welcome letter and instructions.

Needle Art Example

Needlepoint with Embroidery
Technique: Needlepoint with Embroidery
Stitched by: Mike S.

* See More Photos - See Photos from 2016

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No part of this website may be published, reproduced, stored in, or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means whatsoever (including electronic, mechanical, photocopy) other than for personal or chapter/region use without written permission from the copyright holder. Written permission was given to display the photos on this website. The photos may not be reproduced in any way other than for personal or chapter/region use.